Confessions of a Double Life

I think a growing number of you may be onto my secret. I’m leading a double life; I’m double dipping, feasting upon the saccharine delight of blogging in twin doses. Confession: I am the writer behind the curtain of two blogs. The story sourcing the birth of this very blog differs starkly from the haunted beginnings of Tick Talk.

When I first created The Wrongs I Must Write, I wanted to offer myself a space dedicated to pieces of my identity that illness has forced into the fringes. While not exactly divorcing myself from tales of trauma, abandonment and unscrupulous behavior from the brink of life and death, I wanted to be able to rebuild other parts of myself. Ironically, however, as people gravitate toward my impassioned rants, they also seem intrigued by my other style of expression. Perhaps the multidimensionality of each individual is stitched together with the overlapping anecdotes of confusion, conviction, and even a dash of hypocrisy. Though the ramifications of constructing barriers are myriad, these barricades begin within the mind. Erasing one fewer obstruction, one fewer detour, could only enhance reality. So, should you feel the desire to get to know me better, I invite you to explore the underworld of my evolution. Thank you for coming along for my journeys.

While I’m tossing links at you, why not add another? You can also follow me on Facebook. If you have a Facebook page celebrating your blog, please share a link in the comments. It would be wonderful to connect with you via social media.

13 thoughts on “Confessions of a Double Life”

    1. Thanks Karlyn! I just remembered that I never responded to your message on Facebook. Things have been more chaotic than usual over the past two months. I hope that you are doing relatively okay.


    1. Aww, thank you very much for your kindness! It means a lot to me to know my writing resonates with you. I will be looking forward to reading more of your work as well.


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